🎥 Don’t miss Ukrainian Movie Night at Maynard Fine Arts Theatre on Sunday, May 5th, starting at 6:30 PM! Immerse yourself in three captivating films:
🕑 6:30 PM – “The Hardest Hour” (Довга доба): Experience the raw emotions and resilience of Ukrainians amidst Russia’s invasion. This gripping documentary sheds light on the realities of war through firsthand accounts captured on mobile phones. (Duration: 2h 1m, Film Rating: R)
Tickets: https://events.humanitix.com/ukrainian-movie-night-the-hardest-hour
🕑 6:45 PM – “My Carpathian Grandpa” (Мій Карпатський Дідусь): Follow Michele, a young Italian with Ukrainian roots, on a heartwarming journey to an abandoned Carpathian village. Watch as he reconnects with his past and discovers unexpected connections with his grandfather. (Duration: 2h 1m, Film Rating: PG)
Tickets: https://events.humanitix.com/ukrainian-movie-night-my-carpathian-grandpa
🕑 7:00 PM – “Rocky Road to Berlin” (Я, “Побєда” І Берлін): Join Kuzma and Bard on an adventurous road trip to Berlin in a rusty “Pobeda” car. This film, based on the story by legendary musician Kuzma Scryabin, is filled with twists, turns, and moments of self-discovery. (Duration: 1h 44m, Film Rating: R)
Tickets: https://events.humanitix.com/ukrainian-movie-night-rocky-road-to-berlin
Language for all films: Ukrainian, English subtitles.
Tickets are already on sale! Don’t miss out on this cinematic experience!