ONE NIGHT ONLY in New Hampshire

Have you ever met a real Ukrainian Kozak?!

KOZAK SIROMAHA is coming to Manchester with the Ukrainian Freedom Folk Concert

September 20, 7:00 pm

Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church – 54 Walnut St, Manchester, NH 03104

“Ukrainian Freedom Folk” program is truly one of a kind, celebrating centuries-old traditions of Ukrainian kozak songs, instruments, as well as their modern reinterpretation.
The artist is currently embarking on a US Tour, fundraising for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 47th Separate Motorized Brigade!

he has been a Cossack for 15 years already;

KOZAK SIROMAHA has not used a mobile phone for 8 years;

he wakes up every morning before sunrise and begins the day by communicating with Father Almighty;

he brings up three children in accordance with Cossack traditions, calling for honor, dignity and love;

in 2014, he served in the volunteer unit «Sicheslav» during the anti-terrorist operation;

KOZAK SIROMAHA emphasizes that when you are a
#Cossack at heart, you don’t need to wear an embroidered shirt all the time to feel this strength and inspire others.
Drinks and light refreshments will be available.